Advice provided in various different languages
Help and advice concerning child welfare and risk of sexual abuse – for parents, children, families and neighbours
Child protection concerns us all! Do you know of any children who are possibly being neglected, mistreated or abused? Are you pregnant and do not think you will be able to keep the new born baby? What should you do if you are struggling in your daily family life or feel helpless in dealing with a parenting issue? Who can you contact as a neighbour if you have seen something but are not sure what to do? Who can children turn to if they have problems?
Here are some information for getting help – provided in various different languages.
For parents and other adults

Parents: Advice and assistance in case of risks to children
Parents: Aide et assistance en cas d'enfants en danger
Родители: Совет и помощь в случае опасности для детей
Ebeveynler: Çocuklar için tehlike durumunda yapılacaklar ve yardım
Dêubav: Şêwr u alîkarî di demên xeterî bo zarokan
الآباء والبالغين: المشورة والمساعدة في حالة وجود خطر على الأطفال
Rat und Hilfe für Eltern und andere Bezugspersonen von Kindern
Informationen, Adressen und Tipps zum Thema Kinderschutz in Niedersachsen für Schwangere, Eltern oder andere Bezugspersonen.